Community Champion - July 2020

Mert Yeter Mert Yeter - @m3rtyeter


Mert Yeter is a software engineer with 15 years of experience in .NET and Microsoft technologies. He completed his Bachelor of Engineering in 2005 and has a master’s degree focused on Linux. He has also 3 years of experience in Cisco Contact Centre products and implementations. Mert is very passionate about technology, both software and hardware. He is currently working as a senior software engineer at 360 Dotnet.

He loves all development related stuff, working on terminal rather than IDEs, teaching and learning.


Mert is one of the community leads of msHOWTO, the biggest tech community in Turkey, responsible for software development and DevOps stuff. He regularly blogs on msHOWTO about developer related topics on Azure and open source. Since the lockdown began, he has started Q&A style 1:1 webcast series called “msHOWTO Live!”, to share (and learn) knowledge about Azure and other Microsoft Technologies. He has organised and attended 39 webcasts just in one month and 47 in total on lockdown. He also attended two Global Azure Virtual 2020 events as a speaker for the UK & Ireland and Turkey.

Mert has been recognized as a Traefik Ambassador for the contributions to the Traefik Community.

On 14th July 2020, he is scheduled to speak in developer-focused session called Developers on Azure which is organised by Microsoft Turkey on Azure API Management.

Mert Yeter Mert was both moderator and speaker on 30 Days of Technology challenge that has been broadcasted everyday in May 2020.
Mert Yeter Mert is presenting APIM on Global Azure Virtual 2020 TR.
Mert Yeter Mert is presenting Traefik Middlewares.

Other amazing stuff

Mert loves reading theoretical physics and science-related books, watching science-fiction movies and playing computer games.

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